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Neighbors in Need: iWorks Makes Donations to Support Local COVID-19 Relief Efforts

By: Lisa Eichelberger

In response to the need within our community caused by COVID-19, iWorks started an initiative called “Neighbors in Need” to help those who found themselves in unforeseen circumstances. This initiative was largely sparked by an overwhelming need for basic necessities. Local food banks were struggling to meet the growing needs of citizens. The idea was to encourage people to be part of the solution by donating to an organization helping with COVID-19 relief, picking up groceries for neighbors, checking in on friends and family members, or making a meal for someone else.

iWorks introduced the Neighbors in Need initiative on April 24, 2020 and promised to match the first $2,000 donated through May 15, 2020. Our initial goal was to donate $1,000 towards local organizations or non-profits providing COVID-19 relief. Within less than 24 hours, we reached our initial goal.

Our team set a new goal to donate $2,000 towards this initiative. Within the next week, our company surpassed this goal. As a result, iWorks matched $3,000 towards all organizations and non-profits supported.

As a whole, iWorks donated over $5,000 to organizations and non-profits helping those impacted by COVID-19. This initiative was a massive success. Thank you to each of you who sacrificed something to help someone else in need.